Rains in Mali lift hope of reaching 650,000 T cotton target

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July 11, 2015 Heavy rains in Mali are fuelling hope the West African country will meet a cotton production target of 650,000 tonnes for 2015-2016 after a dry start to the season, according to the state-owned CMDT cotton company.

The West African country produced roughly 550,000 tonnes of raw cotton fibre in the 2014-2015 season, well above the 400,000 tonnes produced the previous year, but lack of rain in June had sown doubt about plans to raise output further.

"From July 5, heavy rains soaked the main cotton growing regions and since then we have not had a day without rain which gives us hope," said Ousmane Traore, a technical advisor to the CMDT.

He said planting was behind the level of the same time last year but could recover the deficit by the July 20 end of the planting period. "We are sticking to our forecast of 650,000 tonnes."

Mali's cotton season runs from April and includes a growing phase from around May to October and a harvesting and sales period from roughly November to March. The country has more than 3.5 million cotton farmers and 17 processing factories.

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