Puducherry Trade union to protest on May 17 against closure of textile mills

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May 15, 2022 Puducherry, May 14 (KNN) To oppose the proposed move for closure of State-run Swadeshi and Bharathi mills, the Puducherry unit of the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) has announced a protest on May 17 in front of the Legislative Assembly.

The Industries Department had submitted a representation to the government to wind up operations in the two mills from May 31, said AITUC general secretary Sethu Selvam.

Explaining the matter, Sethu Selvam said one of main of revenue for the government and employment generator has long been the textile mills in Puducherry including the Anglo-French Textiles (AFT) mills.

But over the years, the mills closed down operations due to maladministration, irregularities, and lack of efforts by the government to revive them.

Criticising the government, Selvam said that the functioning of Swadeshi and Bharathi mills had stopped few years ago and the government took no constructive steps to restart the two mills.

He further said that the workers are unaware of the proposal to close the two mills, it is only that the trade union got to know about it through an order of the Industries Department seeking permission to wind up operations.

Demanding the government to restart operations in the two mills AITUC will stage a demonstration in front of the Assembly on May 17, he said. (KNN Bureau)

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