Tamil Nadu based textile body appeals CM Stalin for PLI scheme

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May 21, 2022 Coimbatore, May 20 (KNN) Tamil Nadu based textile body, Indian Texpreneurs Federation (ITF) has urged Chief Minister M K Stalin to introduce a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme, which will help the expansion of textile sector and SMEs across the State.

The scheme boost investments from textile companies in new capacities and build scale and competitiveness, which will also increase revenue, create job opportunities and boost export, said ITF during a meeting with CM Stalin.


Presenting the proposal, ITF convener Prabhu Dhamodharan said, “According to our estimation, the PLI in Tamil Nadu has the potential to bring an additional Rs 15,000 crore through exports from the State in the next five years with an employment scope for three lakh people.

Calling the progressive schemes and the PLI scheme as a game-changer for the textile and apparel sector, Dhamodharan acknowledged the efforts made by the government to push the manufacturing sector. (KNN Bureau)

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