Transporters and labourers in Surat continue protest on the issue of lifting parcels heavier than 55 kg

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January 19, 2023 Labourers and transporters are continuing their protest against traders in the textile market in Surat. The protest which is in its second consecutive day is related to the issue of lifting parcels weighing more than 55 kg.

From 15th January, it was decided that labourers in the textile market will not lift parcels heavier than 55 kg, creating tensions between labourers and traders.

For the second day in a row, transporters and labourers protested against the traders. Goods worth lakhs in parcels weighing more than 55 kg are being returned by transporters and labourers are refusing to pick them up. They allege that traders are intentionally increasing the weight of their parcels for their own benefit and this is causing labourers a lot of pain.

This decision of not lifting parcels greater than 55 kg was taken by the Textile Goods Transport Association and Textile Marketing Transport Labour Union.

The Mercantile Association convened a meeting regarding the decision of the transporters and their protest against lifting parcels weighing more than 55 kg. The demand is that the 55 Kg limit should be turned into a rule.

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