Textile industry urged to boost support for organic cotton growers

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) have launched a joint initiative urging the textile industry to support farmers transitioning to organic cotton. -

September 26, 2024 As part of September’s #BehindTheSeams campaign, GOTS and OCA are highlighting the need to increase the supply of organic fibres by helping farmers navigate the challenges of shifting from conventional to organic farming.

Transitioning to organic farming involves an “in-conversion” period, typically lasting three years, during which farmers face challenges such as unstable crop yields and market uncertainties. During this phase, support from brands and stakeholders is crucial.

OCA has been addressing these challenges by providing capacity-building, premium payments, and market linkages for over 35,000 farmers in India and Pakistan during the 2023-2024 cotton season, as part of a broader programme supporting over 80,000 farmers.

This impact has been made possible through the commitments of 16 brands and retailers participating in OCA’s Farm Programme which addresses existing challenges in organic cotton farming. It provides farmers with tools, expertise and market commitments from buyers and ensures higher earnings and a secure supply of organic fibres.

By committing to purchase in-conversion cotton, brands can invest in the additional support and inputs farmers require, resulting in certified crops with significant environmental and economic benefits.

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