Tension at Enumamula market yard as traders refuse to buy cotton from farmers

Following the assurance from the state government, the traders began to purchase the crop. -

November 16, 2024 WARANGAL: Tension prevailed in the Enumamula agricultural market on Monday after traders refused to purchase cotton from farmers in view of the Cotton Corporation of India’s (CCI) new norms, which the traders opposed. The panicked farmers rushed to the secretary’s office in the market.

Enumamula Agriculture Market secretary P Nirmala said that it was a national policy set by the CCI, and they were waiting for directions from the state government.

The traders, who were called to mitigate the issue, said they would act accordingly after discussions between the Telangana Cotton and Ginning Mills Association leaders and the state government.

Following the discussion in Hyderabad, the government assured benefits for the traders and after four hours of chaos in the market, the traders began to purchase the crop.

Nirmala said about 500 bags of harvest arrived and the traders purchased it for Rs 6,960 per quintal. While the traders purchased cotton, the farmers were also provided lunch in the market.

Similarly, cotton purchase stopped upto the afternoon in Adilabad also. The farmers staged a rasta roko and protests across the different locations in the state.

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