Textile Industry survives COVID-19 blow, now to bloom: Industrialist Subhash Sawariya

Though the economy suffered badly due to the COVID-19 crisis, textile industry managed to survive the trying times and is now set to blossom, said textile industrialist Subhash Sawariya. -

June 05, 2021 He believes that Free Trade Agreement with Europe will make India the largest textile exporter in Asia leaving China, Pakistan and Bangladesh far behind.

“Due to international politics, European countries and the US are turning away from China and turning towards India for their textile requirements. Besides, Pakistan is losing international customers due to inferior quality of its textile products whereas Bangladesh failed to meet orders from across the world. So, India becomes the obvious choice,” Sawariya explained.

He said India is a big cotton producer. The labour to is cheap. Hence, it will be able to fulfill international textile orders without any hassle
Sawariya said that western countries do not use same clothes for a longer period so the demand of textile items is always high there.

“This is the time for India to cash upon opportunity and make good money from textile export,” he added.

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