Apparel industry unites to address textile waste management

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June 03, 2023 Well-known companies like Adidas, Bestseller, C&A, H&M Group, Inditex, and VF International have teamed up with the Policy Hub – Circularity for Apparel & Footwear and Eunomia Research & Consulting to lead an initiative aimed at creating a thorough waste management system in response to the urgent need to address this issue. The two main objectives are to lessen pollution and make it easier for the European Union (EU) to shift its textile industry to a circular economy.

After food, housing, and transportation, textiles are one of the major environmental burdens in Europe. The Policy Hub stresses the critical significance of putting into practise circular business models and end-of-life options that reduce the dumping, landfilling, and incineration of textile waste in order to lessen these effects.

Harmonising and implementing waste management programmes throughout the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) framework of the EU is a key component of this effort. EPR is the cornerstone of managing textile waste and embodies the “polluter pays” idea. It requires manufacturers to pay for the management of the end-of-life of their products, enabling the closing of the materials and product cycle.

According to The Policy Hub, “everything starts with design,” and that decision-making about materials and manufacturing techniques at the design stage has a big impact on a product’s environmental impact. Additionally, manufacturers need to be encouraged to monitor their emissions, chemical use, and production waste in addition to eliminating waste through design.

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