TN launches TiC to enforce PoSH Act in textile sector

The coalition is led by the social welfare department and the handlooms, handicrafts, textiles, and khadi departments of the Tamil Nadu government. -

February 28, 2024 CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday announced the launch of a multi-stakeholder Textile industry Coalition (TiC) to strengthen the implementation of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Act.

“As a collective effort to enhance workplace safety in the textile sector, TiC brings together brands, manufacturers, government agencies, service providers, industry associations, trade unions, civil society organisations, and research institutions, to work towards a common goal of creating a safe and empowering work environment for women in the textile industry by promoting zero tolerance for sexual harassment and violence in the women-dominated textile sector,” an official release said.

The coalition is led by the social welfare department and the handlooms, handicrafts, textiles, and khadi departments of the Tamil Nadu government, and convened by the UN Women, with diverse stakeholders.

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