Cotton blooms on export enquiries

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July 04, 2015 Rajkot, July 3:

Cotton prices were up marginally on hopes of some fresh export demand. Kapas or raw cotton declined on weak ginning demand and fall in future price. Traders said that there were some export enquiries after the prices declined this month. Moreover, short supply also supported the fibre to move up. According to traders, so far exporters preferred to purchase from Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) but as market declined, export demand was diverted to the open market. Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton gained ₹100-200 to ₹33,800-34,500 per candy of 356 kg. About 3,000 bales of 170 kg arrived in Gujarat and 6,000 bales arrived in India. Kapas lost ₹3-5 to ₹880-900 per 20 kg and gin delivery kapas stood at ₹900-920 per 20 kg. Cottonseed was traded at ₹430-435.

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