Fabric export to rise with MEIS inclusion

[img]http://bsmedia.business-standard.com/_media/bs/img/article/2015-07/23/full/1437590477-9109.jpg[/img]Cotton fabric exports likely to rise 10% this year -

July 23, 2015 Cotton fabric exports are likely to rise at least 10 per cent this year because of inclusion of the fabric in the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS).

Products notified under MEIS for any specific market are eligible for reward on the free-on-board value. Last week, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade announced inclusion of cotton fabrics into MEIS for export to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, which would mean a two per cent export incentive. About 4,000 items are included in MEIS.

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are two major destinations for Indias cotton fabrics, which get converted into garments and are then exported to Europe and the United States. Owing to the lack of conversion value, cotton fabrics are not exported from India directly to Europe and the US. So, inclusion of cotton fabric into MEIS would increase Indias competitiveness in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka with respect to other countries, including China, which will ultimately help increase Indias fabric exports at least by 10 per cent, said R K Dalmia, Chairman, The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (Texprocil) and senior president, Century Textiles.

Bangladesh and Lanka form 28 per cent of Indias cotton fabric shipments. Their export to Bangladesh rose 11.2 per cent to $440 million in 2014 (calendar year), while those to Sri Lanka grew only 0.2 per cent to $245 mn the same year. Indias total export of cotton fabric, however, surged 16.3 per cent to $2,467 mn in calendar year 2014.

Fabric exports to Bangladesh and Lanka were hit between January and April because of unavailability of incentive schemes. Shipments to Bangladesh grew a marginal two per cent to $156.4 mn in those months; those to Lanka fell 3.7 per cent to $77 mn, from the same period a year before.

Inclusion of cotton fabrics under MEIS to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will certainly help Indias exports, said D K Nair, secretary-general of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry.

Although certain categories of knitted fabrics have been included under the scheme, lycra has been left out. Knitted fabrics with lycra are value-added products that are widely used. Texprocil has urged the government to include export of value-added products like cotton dyed and printed fabrics, and made-ups, to African countries under MEIS, too. These will give a needed impetus to exports in major markets, Dalmia said.

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