4 more farmers commit suicide in Telangana

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September 11, 2015 HYDERABAD: The spate of suicides among farmers in Telangana continues unabated. Since Wednesday night four farmers ended their lives and a fifth death occurred when a distressed sister followed her farmer brother and drank pesticide, in Nalgonda district. The death of the brother and sister from Sapavatutanda of Peddapur mandal of Nalgonda district starkly brought to the fore the collateral damage a farmer's family suffers when a farmer kills himself.

According to the police, 23year-old Megavath Seenu, accompanied by his 25-year-old sister Neelu, went to his field to spray pesticide on his cotton crop on Thursday morning.However, when he realised that the plants had wilted beyond any hope of recovery , he is believed to have consumed the pesticide killing himself. His sister, who saw what happened, also consumed the pesticide unable to bear the sight of her brother committing suicide. Some people who were in the vicinity tried to rescue the siblings and took them to the government hospital at Nagarjunasagar. However, Seenu was declared dead by the time they reached the hospital and efforts to revive Neela also failed. Elsewhere in the district, commercial tax minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav said instructions were issued to all collectors to submit reports on farmers' suicides to the government. He also said that such suicides were a legacy that the previous Congress government burdened Telangana with.

Even as he was holding the Congress regime responsible, another suicide by a Nalgonda farmer came to light. Karunakar, 32, who planted cotton at Saduvelli village in Yadagirigutta mandal, hanged himself when there was nobody at his house.According to the villagers, he had borrowed money for raising his crop but it had dried up and he had no other means to repay his loans.

Meanwhile, in Surangal village of Moinabad mandal in RR district, Kesari Narayanreddy ,a 34-year-old farmer who watched his cotton crop go dry , hanged himself on Wednesday night.

In Mahbubnagar, a tenant farmer who tried to raise BT cotton on six acres of leased land and in the process piled up loans totalling Rs 5.5 lakh, commited suicide by hanging himself from a tree near his field. G Chandraidu, 40, was under pressure from his lenders to return the money , but was not in a position to do so as his crop had dried up.

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