Sangareddy: Cotton farmers protest as CCI closes purchasing centre

Farmers led by CPI (M) activists staged a protest as the Cotton Corporation of India has decided to close the cotton purchasing centre at Sadsivapet town from February 1 -

February 01, 2024 Sangareddy: Farmers led by CPI (M) activists staged a protest as the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has decided to close the cotton purchasing centre at Sadsivapet town from February 1.

While a few lorries and tractors carrying the cotton lined up at the CCI purchasing centre, the CCI officials have decided to close the Centre for five days informing the farmers that the jinning mill was filled with the cotton due to increased arrivals during the last few days.

However, the farmers have alleged that the CCI was planning to close it down permanently for this year though a huge number of farmers have not yet sold their produce this year.

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